Dynamic & Directional Color Gradients - Preset
Simply add this preset to an Adjustment layer. It will automatically change the layers under it into a beautiful Gradient!
2 Gradient Options to Choose from!
- Dynamic Gradients - Creates beautiful rotational gradients.
- Directional Gradients - Creates northern lights style gradients with a single click.
Dynamic Gradients Control
When you add your dynamic gradient you will have full control on various properties. You can also keyframe these properties to animate them further!
- Overall Blur
- Gradient Direction Amount
- Gradient Direction Angle
- Rotation Angle
- Rotation Size
- Rotation Center
- Fill Edges
Directional Gradients Control
When you add your Diretional gradient you will have full control on various properties. You can also keyframe these properties to animate them further!
- Direction
- Gradient Length
- Gradient Details
- Animation Speed
- Animation Offset
Check out the video above to see how all of this works. Check time 13:00 and time 17:40
Compatible with After Effects CC2023 and more recent versions
2 Gradient Presets:
Dynamic Gradients
Directional Gradients
6.69 KB
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